“Exploding Heart” Quilt Raffle
Claudette H. was the lucky winner of the “Exploding Heart” quilt crafted by Maureen Clapp!
Over 940 tickets were sold and the raffle generated an amazing $1,680 for the Pantry! Thank you, Maureen!
Maureen Clapp, one of our amazing volunteers, donated this work of art hoping that it could be used to raise funds for Loaves & Fishes. She has been quilting for over 25 years and her talent really shines through! The 75” x 75” quilt is 100% cotton, machine washable, and can be dried. (“Exploding Heart” design by Slice of Pi Quilts.)
The drawing was held on Valentine’s Day 2024. You can watch the recording of the live drawing on Littleton Community Access Television’s YouTube channel at https://youtube.com/live/TUY1VAskews