978-772-4627 • 234 Barnum Road, Devens, MA

Greta Found Hope at the Pantry

“Loaves & Fishes is saving my life. I’m 79 and my social security check just wasn’t enough to pay my bills and buy groceries. I had to get a job. I was tired, but doing ok for a while. When I lost my job, I lost hope and didn’t know what I was going to do. It was such a relief to see the poster for Loaves & Fishes at my grocery store.”

-Greta, client from Shirley

Would YOU like to help our neighbors like Greta?

Make a Donation
Donate Food or Plan a Food Drive

Do you or someone you know need help with groceries?
Call us at 978-772-4627 ext. 312 or email clientassist@loavesfishespantry.org