Loaves & Fishes News and Updates

Busier Than Ever
November 25, 2024We had one of our busiest days ever last Wednesday, with 96 families receiving nutritious groceries! Many thanks to our generous donors and hard-working volunteers who make it possible for

Local Schools Helped, Too!
November 25, 2024Nearly 2000 pounds of food was collected by local area school kids this November! Everyone from the preschoolers at the Groton Community School to area high schoolers pitched in! Thank

Thank you, Rotary Club of Littleton!
November 25, 2024This whole fall, our friends at the Rotary Club of Littleton have been collecting food and cash donations for the Pantry. They collected an impressive 547 pounds and donated over

35th Annual Shirley Scout Drive
November 19, 2024The people of Shirley have done it again! The Scouts worked hard to collect nearly 10,000 pounds of food from residents all over the town of Shirley on Sunday afternoon.

Harvard Lions Club Citrus Sale
November 15, 2024We would like to thank the Harvard Lions Club for all they do in our local community and beyond! Did you know that all the proceeds from their annual Citrus

Time for the Annual Shirley Scout Drive!
November 13, 2024The 35th Annual Shirley Scout Drive is next Sunday, November 17! Scouts Elliot, Alex, and Brennan worked hard to help deliver the empty bags to the homes of their Shirley

Thank You to Our Many Veteran Supporters
November 12, 2024We are fortunate to have many Veterans who support the Pantry. We honor and thank all who have served our country and our community. Andre Menard, Stew Cady, and John

Only Treats for Our Neighbors!
November 8, 2024Ioni Bishop, a Neighborhood Coordinator for our Neighborhood Food Project and senior at the Bromfield School in Harvard, hosted an information table at the Harvard Trick or Treat dressed as

WIN Waste Innovations to the Rescue!
November 4, 2024WIN Waste Innovations in Portsmouth, NH, has been donating the service of picking up our recycling since 2022. Our recycling needs have grown as we’ve been getting busier and busier.

2024 Annual Report
November 1, 2024Take a look at our 2024 Annual Report. The Pantry was a busy place last year – our clients needed us more than ever and our community stepped up to

Our 2024 Annual Meeting Was a Beautiful Night
October 30, 2024A lovely time was had by all at our 2024 Annual Meeting hosted by the Red Tail Golf Club in Devens. It was an enjoyable evening of good food, good

Caring for Our Planet AND Our Neighbors!
October 30, 2024MassToss, a local program that helps improve recycling programs and reduce waste, recently held its annual Recycle Your Reusables event at the Ayer Shirley Regional Middle School. Not only did