Our Harvest Club Partners support us in many ways, including Financial Support, Goods and Services and Volunteerism.
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We made every effort to include all of our Harvest Club Partners. Please accept our apologies and let us know if you have been missed. Some of our Partners wish to remain anonymous and have not been listed here.

2024 Partners
(Period July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024)
Platinum Level Partners

$10,000 and above
Alltown Fresh
Anstiss Certified Public Accountants
Ayer Shop ‘n Save
Steve Bakke and Julie Staraitis
Berry Global, Inc.
Boston Area Gleaners
Community Harvest Project – Harvard
CPF, Inc.
Donelan’s Supermarket – Littleton
Hannaford Supermarket – Townsend
John C. and Eunice B. Morrison Charitable Foundation
North Country Porsche Club Of America
Northrop Grumman
Nvidia Employees
Postal Workers’ Food Drive
Roche Brothers Supermarket – Acton
Shaw’s Supermarket – Groton
Shaw’s – Stow
Shirley Scout Drive
Donald and Janet Stevens
Albert Stone
The Greater Boston Food Bank
Trader Joe’s – Acton
United Way of North Central Massachusetts
Richard and Jean Walsh
Whole Foods – Westford

I struggle sometimes, living by myself. It’s so nice to know that there are people out there who care about me and want to make sure that I get enough food to eat. Thank you Loaves & Fishes, for getting me through!
-Edith, a Shirley resident
Gold Level Partner

Aubuchon Hardware – Littleton
Bemis Associates
Eugene Buzderewicz
Cisco Systems
Commissioners of Trust Funds – Town of Groton
Data and Business Solutions, LLC
Emergency Food and Shelter Program
Gaining Ground
Harvard Lions Club
Richard High and Anne Perkins
Holy Trinity Parish
Timothy Ingraham
Rose Joseph
Kobe Henro Pet Food Bank
Warren and Maredith Kundert
Manchester Motor Freight
Paul and Mimi Matisse
Stephen and Stella Matson
Nashoba Valley Medical Center
Porsche Club of America Northeast Region
Janice Raguin
Stephen Roach and Amy Hilbert
Robert & Joan Dircks Foundation
Christopher Ryan and Lily Baddour
Ted and Mary Shasta
Richard Shurtleff
Sidney Landscaping Services, Inc.

I’m so embarrassed that I need help supporting my family. Right now, I simply cannot afford to take care of my girls properly. I’m working full-time but I never seem to have enough money anymore. Thank you so much for all of the nutritious food. I’m so glad you’re here and that you make it so easy to ask for help with dignity and respect.
-James, a Groton resident
Silver Level Partner

AbbVie, Inc. Employee Giving Campaign
Bake N Joy Foods
BJ’s Wholesale Club
Bristol Myers-Squibb
Catania Oils
Chelmsford Church of Christ
Chubb Bermuda Insurance Ltd.
Clear Path for Veterans of New England
Community Foundation Of North Central Massachusetts
Congregational Church of Littleton
James Curran and Yolanda Rigali
Custom Contracting, Inc.
Guilford Dube and Marcia Melanson
Dunkin’ Joy In Childhood Foundation
Dunkin’ – Harvard
Jim and Lorraine Farnsworth
Read Fleming
Deborah Gray and Thomas O’Donnell
Groton Post Office
Groton Public Library
Groton-Dunstable Reg. High School
KAM Fitness & Nutrition
Scott Lewis and Judith Taylor
Brendan and Veronica Lowney
Lura A. White Elementary School
Massachusetts Youth Soccer – Town Select League
Michael McDonald
John McNamara and Karen Duggan McNamara
New England Apple Products Co.
Olympus Corporation of the Americas
Dan and Gina O’Neil
RTX Corporation
Saint Anne Church
Peter Schulz
Thomas and Verna Sefranek
Andrew Sigel
Thomas and Heidi Sikina
Sheila Smith
James and Margaret Soucie
The Bromfield School
The Gore Charitable Foundation
Robert Tosi and Jo-Ann Dery
Union Congregational Church of Groton
United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley, Inc.
Elizabeth Walker and Dan Routhier
Welch Foods Inc.

“We are so thankful that the pantry is there to help us. We get food stamps, but with the rising cost of everything, it just seems like we’re always struggling. Thanks to Loaves & Fishes, now we have plenty of nutritious food. We especially love the fresh produce!
-Michael and Judy, Groton residents who recently started using the pantry after receiving the Loaves & Fishes mailer.

Bronze Level Partner
AFA Obstetrics & Gynecology PC
Autumn Hills Orchard
Avago Technologies / Broadcom Gift Matching Program
Ayer Fire Department
Ayer Post Office
Ayer Shirley Regional Middle School
Davida Bagatelle and Arthur McEvily
Albert and Catina Barbieri
William Barnes Jr.
Brett and Karen Benyo
Blessed Trinity Parish
Stephen and Corinne Bodtman
BoomX Cannabis
Boston Metrowest Bible
Boston Ultimate Disc Alliance
Boy Scout Troop #20 – Littleton
Thomas and Susan Brando
Carter and Letitia Branigan
Jessica Brown
Tim and Cassie Buck
Burroughs Charitable Foundation
Michael and Julie Campisi
Peter and Diane Carson
Central One Federal Credit Union
Jennifer A. Clancy, LLC
Herbert and Lori Cogliano
Congregation Shalom
Louis Conrad and Lois Bisson
Mary Abigail Coolidge
The Davis Family
Devens Enterprise Commission
DF Murphy Insurance Agency, Inc.
Louis DiMola and Ginny Koslow-DiMola
Jennifer Engel
Enterprise Bank – Lowell
Steven and Carolyn Fader
FBS Tire Recycling, Inc.
First Church Unitarian
First Parish Church of Groton
Florence Roche Elementary School
FMC Devens
Forge & Vine
Paul and Donna Funch
G. W. Archer, Inc. Mobil Station
Peter Galluzzo
Francisco Garcia
Garden at Church Meadows
Garden Club of Harvard
David Gaynor and Bernice Goldman
Richard and Elinor Gentilman
Gervais Ford
Gove Farm
Greater Twin Cities United Way
Groton Knights Of Columbus #13140
Groton Woman’s Club
Groton-Dunstable Regional School District
Gary Gumuchian
Hannaford Fight Hunger Bag Program
Harvard Unitarian Universalist Church
Harvard Woman’s Club
Ross Hawley
Henry Vincent Couper Charity Foundation
Emery and Nancy Herman
Hildreth Elementary School
Andra Hollis
Michael Horton
Ronald and Donna Horvath
Sarah Jordan
Vinod Kamalaraj
John and Isabelle Katter
Stephen and Diana Keaney
James Kendall
Stephen and Mary Keville
Paul Kouyoumjian and Lisa Webb
Lazaro Paving Corporation
Rebecca Lewis
Little Leaf Farms
Littleton Community Television
Littleton High School
Littleton Middle School
Littleton Rotary Club
John Llodra
Douglas and Eileen Long
Lucia’s Tavola
Scott and Deborah MacDonald
Main Street Bank
Betsy Malynn
Bruce and Lynne Man
Marty’s Corner Cafe & Deli
Karen McCloskey
Larry and Judy McDermott
Raimund Merkert
Middlesex Savings Bank Charitable Foundation
Stephen Morris and Karen Levitt
David Moulton
Edward Murphy
David Newsham and Rebecca Day-Newsham
Janine and Mark Nichipor
Maureen O’Hagan
Charles and Dana Oliver
Robert O’Neill and Mary Ystueta
Kathleen Oosterman
Open Table
Ronald and Susan Osterg
Bhavesh Patel
Renegade Miata Club
Steven and Claire Robinson
Elizabeth Romano
Susan Ross
Leslie Row
Russell and Linda Shappy
Heidi and Don Siegrist
Anthony Simonenko
Dorothy Solbrig
Joseph Spinelli
St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church
St. Matthew’s United Methodist Church
St. Anthony of Padua Church
Kathy and Gary Stanley
Stryker Corporation
Sidney Sundheimer and Elizabeth Gelfand
Timothy Szczesuil and Ann Broomhead
Tahattawan Masonic Lodge – Littleton
The Bull Run Restaurant
The Farmhouse Cafe
The Groton Inn
Edward and Penny Thomas
Torrice Family Charitable Trust
Michael Tosi
Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Wag ‘N Wash
Leon and Ann Weaver
Douglas and Beth Williams
Dawn Wilson
WIN Waste Innovations
Jeanine Wood
John and Ann Wortman