Loaves & Fishes News and Updates

Thank you, Gove Farm!
July 27, 2023YUMMY!!! Our friends at GOVE FARM – Leominster just donated this corn and cucumbers! Our clients will be thrilled to receive this fresh, locally grown produce tomorrow! Many thanks!

So Much Fresh, Beautiful Produce!
July 20, 2023We are grateful to so many for sharing an abundance of fresh, nutritious produce with the Pantry including: Gaining Ground – Concord Garden at Church Meadows – Littleton Boston Gleaners

Ayer Rotary Club Gives Back!
July 20, 2023Thank you to the Ayer Rotary Club for stopping by to visit and for bringing us a nice donation to help restock our shelves!

Thank you, Aubuchon Hardware!
July 13, 2023This past April, two local Aubuchon Hardware locations in Littleton and Ayer hosted their Round Up fundraising campaign on behalf of Loaves & Fishes. Thank you so much to Aubuchon

Our Community Helps Spread the Word!
July 7, 2023Sending SINCERE THANKS to our community partners who allow us to place our literature in their lobbies, offices, and waiting areas. You are helping us spread the word that Loaves

A Yummy Treat from Bake N Joy Foods
June 24, 2023Thank you to BAKE N JOY FOODS – Ayer for the delicious donation! Not only did their employees do a food drive for the Pantry, they also donated coffee cakes!

Thank You, Coin Canister Hosts!
June 23, 2023Thanks to our many hosts (listed below) and their customers, the coin canisters have collected over $6,000 since July 2022! Every little bit helps, no donation is too small. Contact

Thank You, Ribbon Communications!
June 15, 2023A BIG SHOUT OUT to RIBBON COMMUNICATIONS in Westford! They visited the Pantry recently to date check and sort donations and did a terrific job! Interested in having your group

Haschig Homes Sponsors a Program
June 14, 2023Haschig Homes at William Raveis Real Estate sponsored the purchase of reusable grocery bags for our Neighborhood Food Project. “At any moment, under different circumstances, any one of us could