Loaves & Fishes News and Updates

Thank you, BUDA!
August 28, 2023Recently, the Boston Ultimate Disc Alliance (BUDA) held an Ultimate Frisbee tournament in Devens. They used their event to help feed our community as well – their players collected over

We Could Use YOUR Help!
August 19, 2023Do you have an interest in videography? Do you enjoy taking videos on your phone of your children, grandchildren, or pets? We are seeking volunteers to help our Video Production
August 17, 2023As you may have heard, Covid cases are increasing. Although we do not plan to change our current protocols at this point, we do want to remind you that if

Nashoba Valley Medical Center Hunger Run
August 4, 2023Save the date for a fun-filled day of activities, food and fun to support the Pantry! Register to join the Nashoba Valley Medical Center’s 9th Annual Hunger Run 5K today!

Gaining Ground – Supporting the Pantry for over 13 Years
August 2, 2023Loaves & Fishes is proud to partner with Gaining Ground in Concord, MA. Their mission is “to provide free, sustainably grown, fresh organic produce to people experiencing food insecurity.” They

Thank you, Gove Farm!
July 27, 2023YUMMY!!! Our friends at GOVE FARM – Leominster just donated this corn and cucumbers! Our clients will be thrilled to receive this fresh, locally grown produce tomorrow! Many thanks!

So Much Fresh, Beautiful Produce!
July 20, 2023We are grateful to so many for sharing an abundance of fresh, nutritious produce with the Pantry including: Gaining Ground – Concord Garden at Church Meadows – Littleton Boston Gleaners

Ayer Rotary Club Gives Back!
July 20, 2023Thank you to the Ayer Rotary Club for stopping by to visit and for bringing us a nice donation to help restock our shelves!

Greta Found Hope at the Pantry
July 20, 2023“Loaves & Fishes is saving my life. I’m 79 and my social security check just wasn’t enough to pay my bills and buy groceries. I had to get a job.

Summer Bags for Kids
July 20, 2023Summer is a time for family fun and relaxation, but for some, it’s a struggle. For many families, the loss of school breakfast and lunch means more meals and more

Cisco Systems – A Great Partnership!
July 20, 2023Our friends at CISCO – Boxborough really make a difference! In addition to financial support which is very much appreciated, their employees are active volunteers too! Thanks to a wonderful

Thank you, Aubuchon Hardware!
July 13, 2023This past April, two local Aubuchon Hardware locations in Littleton and Ayer hosted their Round Up fundraising campaign on behalf of Loaves & Fishes. Thank you so much to Aubuchon