Loaves & Fishes News and Updates

Thank You, Freemasons of the Fourteenth Lodge!
December 21, 2022Board member, Susan Edgett, accepts a generous $2000 donation from the Freemasons of the Fourteenth Lodge of Instruction, presented by the Caleb Butler Lodge in Ayer. They also did a

Thank You for Your Support, Main Street Bank!
December 21, 2022Our good friends from Main Street Bank stopped by recently to present us with a very generous donation! They decided that rather than distributing holiday gifts to their employees, they’d

Do You Need Help With Your Holiday Dinner?
December 19, 2022Visit us for our Holiday Dinner Distribution. No appointment necessary! No income requirements! Open to all residents of Ayer, Devens, Dunstable, Groton, Harvard, Littleton, and Shirley. Just join the drive-thru

Thank you, USAG Devens RFTA!
December 16, 2022USAG Devens RFTA hosted a food drive in November. They collected over 1200 pounds of food for the Pantry! Thank you so much for your service and for thinking of

December 15, 2022109 hams were donated for our Holiday Dinner Distribution event by the generous residents of Groton during our Neighborhood Food Project collection this past Saturday! We are very grateful!

Forge & Vine “Raises” $1000 for Loaves & Fishes!!!
December 9, 2022The Forge & Vine Restaurant in Groton (part of the Migis Hotel Group) held a creatively fun fundraiser for Loaves & Fishes during the whole month of August. They and

Hope for the Holidays
December 9, 2022Carol and Matt walked a long distance to get to the Pantry and they found not only groceries but also hope! Read more about Carol and Matt and learn about

Kindness Spans the Generations – The Davis Family
December 2, 2022The DAVIS FAMILY of Littleton made their annual trip to the Pantry on the day after Thanksgiving. They’ve been donating to Loaves & Fishes for over 20 years! This tradition

Spiral Hams Needed For Our Holiday Dinner Distribution!
December 2, 2022We are in need of spiral hams no bigger than 15 pounds. Donations will be gratefully accepted at the loading dock doors of the Pantry during the following times: Tuesday,

280 Thankful Families
December 2, 2022280 families received all of the fixings for their Thanksgiving meal during our annual Dinner Distribution event, held on November 21st! We were honored to have SENATOR ELDRIDGE and REPRESENTATIVE

33rd Annual Shirley Scout Drive Huge Success Again!
November 16, 2022The SHIRLEY SCOUT DRIVE brought in over 8,000 lbs. of food for the Pantry! Many thanks to the organizers, the volunteers who collected, sorted, packed, and delivered the food, and

Thank you, Garden at Church Meadows!
November 11, 2022Our good friends from the GARDEN AT CHURCH MEADOWS-Litttleton gathered recently to celebrate a wonderful growing season. Together they harvested 2,424 pounds of fresh produce for Loaves & Fishes –